Macquarie Capital Private Equity Investment Europe

Aryza Holdings Limited

Company background

Aryza is a provider of end-to-end automation software to business customers in regulated industries, focused on the insolvency, credit and debt recovery sectors. Its solutions automate a wide range of back and middle office activities including customer data collection, administration, and payment processing, covering every stage of the debt cycle.

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Strategy Partnership Capital
Sector Technology
Status Current

What attracted us

  • Market leader with long-standing relationships in the insolvency sector
  • Highly embedded software model, providing mission critical products
  • Strong historical organic growth

Our value creation strategy

  • Further bolt-on and geographic expansion, leveraging credit market and regulatory expertise
  • Continued growth from new products
We are thrilled to partner with the Macquarie team and look forward to the additional capital and expertise they will bring to the business. This will help deliver continued organic and acquisition led growth."

Colin Brown
CEO, Aryza

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