Macquarie 50th Anniversary Award

Now in our second year supporting the Macquarie 50th Anniversary Award winners, we’re proud of the work each organisation is doing in their chosen field. Throughout FY2021, the winners adapted to these challenging times and continued to progress their projects.

  • Last Mile Health, working on its national health assistance program in Liberia, was able to deploy over 3,800 frontline health workers and served more than 770,000 people since 2019 whilst also assisting with the local COVID-19 response in Malawi and Ethiopia.

  • Social Finance, working in national impact finance and advisory, launched three new Career Impact Bond projects in partnership with Acuitus, General Assembly and American Diesel Training Center.  

  • The Ocean Cleanup, working to rid the world’s oceans of plastic, successfully launched a new River Interceptor 004 in the Dominican Republic, stemming the flow of plastic before it gets out to sea.

  • World Mosquito Program, working to protect communities around the world from mosquito-borne diseases, conducted a study to measure the efficacy of the Wolbachia method through a randomised controlled trial in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. The study showed a 77% reduction in dengue incidence and an 86% reduction in dengue hospitalisations in Wolbachia-treated areas compared with untreated areas.  

  • World Scabies Program, working to eliminate scabies in Fiji and the Solomon Islands, continued its preparations to roll out a community-level, mass drug administration of Ivermectin to protect people against scabies and its associated economic and health problems.  

Macquarie 50th Anniversary Award Ambassador Network

Over 70 employees from around the world joined our Macquarie 50th Anniversary Award Ambassador Network in 2020, putting up their hand to work alongside the awardees. The Ambassadors are providing additional support in areas of identified opportunity as well as driving initiatives. It demonstrates how our staff can amplify the impact of Macquarie’s grants and we’re delighted to have them on board.