Luke who is employed through the White Box Enterprises trial

    Macquarie Group Foundation

    Social impact investing

    Global social impact investing focus 

    Recognising that many people around the world face systemic barriers to employment, our social impact investments focus on supporting organisations breaking down these barriers and building effective pathways to economic security.

    Our $A20m allocation to social, impact-first investments is expanding the impact and sustainability of our community efforts.

    This catalytic funding aims to be patient, risk-tolerant and flexible. Any financial returns will be re-invested into future Foundation social impact projects.

    Grown Impact Fund participants Image supplied by the Growth Impact Fund (UnLtd, Big Issue Invest and Shift) and photographer Diana Hagues.

    In this video, hear from Kaleb, a young person living with autism and anxiety, who is employed as a digital marketing assistant by Yourtown, one of 15 social enterprises taking part in White Box Enterprises Payment By Outcomes (PBO) trial.

    White Box: A new approach to solving long-term unemployment for people living with a disability

    The Macquarie Group Foundation’s commitment to breaking down barriers to employment has seen it become one of three impact investors taking part in the White Box Enterprises Payment By Outcomes (PBO) trial. 

    Current investment overview

    Current market-building activity

    Our social impact investing criteria 

    Organisation headquarters

    in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, United Kingdom or United States

    Investment size

    of $A500,000 or above, with an expected financial return


    and metrics to demonstrate social impact


    in employment and skilling sector, with a focus on young adults

    If your project meets all of the above criteria, please contact us via the button below.


    Our global grantmaking is focused on breaking down barriers to employment. If your organisation is seeking grant funding visit our dedicated page to find out more.