
The case for infrastructure

October 3, 2022
Posted by Macquarie Asset Management


Revisiting the asset class in a period of high inflation and rising interest rates

Infrastructure investment continues to gain interest among institutional investors, given its potential to generate attractive, inflation-hedged returns. In addition, unlisted infrastructure’s long-term holding period and the regulated or contracted nature of its revenues can enable it to provide consistent and stable returns through a period of market volatility.

Long-term drivers such as decarbonisation and the energy transition will involve profound changes across a range of infrastructure sectors, offering attractive investment opportunities for investors, while supporting the transition to a net zero emissions world.

In this paper we’ll discuss:

  • why the current environment may represent an attractive opportunity to invest in the asset class
  • the asset class’s historical performance, including during periods of high and low inflation as well as rising and falling interest rates
  • long-term demand drivers for infrastructure.
