
    Environmental, Social and Governance

    Our approach

    Macquarie’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach reflects our responsibility to clients, shareholders and the communities in which we operate.

    Clear dialogue with stakeholders is important for building strong relationships, understanding external dynamics, earning and maintaining trust, enhancing business performance and evolving our ESG approach. We regularly engage with a broad range of stakeholders including clients, customers, shareholders, investors, analysts, governments, regulators, employees, suppliers and the wider community.

    Our focus

    Macquarie’s ESG approach is structured around eight focus areas considered to be material to our business and stakeholders.

    Underpinned by What We Stand For and our Code of Conduct, these focus areas reflect the risks and opportunities identified by the business and the issues of interest to our stakeholders.

    Our policies and reporting

    Driven by strong risk management, we work to continually improve performance across our focus areas to create sustainable value over the long-term. More information is available in the documents below.


    ESG governance structure


    ESG reporting


    Net Zero and Climate Risk Reporting


    Macquarie Asset Management reporting


    Human rights



    Macquarie uses a well-established framework of ESG-related policies and practices covering:

    As outlined in our 2024 Annual Report, a key aspect of Macquarie’s climate strategy is prioritising efforts to reduce financed emissions.  We now have targets in place for over 80% of our dollar exposures to carbon-intensive sectors and will outline our approach to all remaining material carbon-intensive sectors in the 2025 Annual Report. 

    Differentiating between metallurgical and thermal coal

    Our approach to coal continues to evolve to reflect the needs of the energy transition and industry practice:

    • In 2021 we announced our intention to run off our limited remaining on-balance sheet lending and equity exposures1 to coal companies by the end of 2024. The commitment applied to both thermal and metallurgical coal.
    • In 2022, we also committed to not enter into new business activity with any counterparty where the underlying purpose is to fund the purchase, development or expansion of a coal mine or coal-fired power station.
    • As at March 2024, Macquarie had zero on-balance sheet lending or equity exposure to coal mining and a minor exposure to a single coal-fired power generation client which is due to mature in December 2024.
    • With achievement of our goals in sight, we have further refined our coal policy to differentiate between metallurgical coal and thermal coal, reflecting the ongoing importance of and limited viable alternatives to metallurgical coal for steel making and the industry’s differential treatment of metallurgical and thermal coal.
    • In April 2024, advisory transactions where the underlying purpose is to fund the purchase, development or expansion of a metallurgical coal mine were brought into appetite (see page 60 of the annual report).
    • In November 2024, we further refined our coal policy to allow balance sheet lending and equity investments, where the underlying purpose is to fund the purchase, operation, development or expansion of a metallurgical coal mine.
    • We continue to have no appetite for financing >12 months using our balance sheet1 or to advise on transactions where the underlying purpose relates to the purchase, operation, development or expansion of thermal coal activities.
    • The global community has recognised the urgent need to reduce global carbon emissions and the importance of working with carbon intensive industries, such as coal, to help them decarbonise. As noted in our 2022 Net Zero and Climate Risk Report, we will maintain the ability to work with coal companies to finance projects that will significantly reduce their carbon emissions in line with science-based scenarios or are for the purpose of diversifying away from the coal sector in line with a credible transition plan.”

    External ESG initiatives and standards

    Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero logo

    Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ)

    Macquarie is a founding Principal member of GFANZ and Macquarie Group CEO Shemara Wikramanayake is co leading GFANZ’s workstream on climate finance mobilisation for emerging markets and developing economies.

    Climate Finance Leadership Initiative logo

    Climate Finance Leadership Initiative (CFLI)

    Macquarie Group CEO Shemara Wikramanayake was appointed a founding member of the Climate Finance Leadership Initiative in January 2019 and was appointed co chair of the Climate Finance Leadership Initiative (CFLI) country pilot in India in 2021, which concluded in December 2023. In September 2022, Macquarie joined the CFLI country pilot in Colombia.

    Green Climate Fund logo

    UN’s Green Climate Fund (GCF)

    In November 2020, Macquarie became an accredited entity partner of the Green Climate Fund.

    In April 2022, Macquarie announced a new partnership with the UN’s Green Climate Fund (GCF) on a blended finance platform that seeks to accelerate the uptake of e mobility in India. We have also worked with the UK Government as the manager of the UK Climate Investments fund.

    Global Center on Adaptation logo

    Global Center on Adaptation

    Macquarie Group CEO Shemara Wikramanayake was appointed a founding Commissioner of the Global Commission on Adaptation in October 2018. When the Commission’s mandate ended in 2021, Ms Wikramanayake became a member of the supervisory board of the successor organisation, the Global Center on Adaptation.

    Sustainable Markets Initiative logo

    Sustainable Markets Initiative

    Macquarie became a member of the Sustainable Markets Initiative in 2021, and we are an active member of the Financial Services, Hydrogen and Sustainability 30 taskforces.

    Principles for Responsible Investment logo

    UN Principles for Responsible Investment

    Macquarie Asset Management has been a signatory since 2015.

    Green Loan Principles logo

    Green Loan Principles

    Macquarie has issued two loans under the Green Loan Principles since 2018

    RE100 The Climate Group logo

    Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures 

    Macquarie Asset Management is a member of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

    RE100 The Climate Group logo


    In 2019, Macquarie joined RE100 with a commitment to source 100% of electricity from renewable sources across our global offices and data centres by 2025.

    CDP Disclosure Insight Action logo


    Macquarie has been a signatory to the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) since 2008.

    GRESB Infrastructure logo

    GRESB Infrastructure

    Macquarie Asset Management has been an active member of GRESB Infrastructure since it launched in 2016 and became a member of GRESB Real Estate in 2019.

    Global Reporting Initiative and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Standards

    Macquarie’s FY2024 ESG disclosures have been prepared with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and are complemented by selected Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards.

    Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets (TSVCM)

    Macquarie is a member of the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets (TSVCM), a private sector-led initiative working to scale an effective and efficient voluntary carbon market to help meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

    1. 'On-balance sheet lending and equity exposures’ and ‘financing’ refer to on-balance sheet lending and equity investment activities, excluding on-balance sheet securities held for client facilitation and market-making purposes. Lending refers to loan assets held at amortised cost and excludes certain items such as leasing, asset finance and short-term financing that generates trading income (e.g., inventory finance, pre-pays, receivables finance or letters of credit).