United Kingdom and Europe – Important disclosures & information for clients

Terms and Policies



Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation – Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts Statement

Financial Disclosures

EMIR,  MIFID and CCPRRR Disclosures

Market Abuse Regulation Disclosures

Best Execution Reporting

RTS27 Reporting 2018





RTS27 Reporting 2019





RTS27 Reporting 2020





RTS28 Reporting 2017

RTS28 Reporting 2018

RTS28 Reporting 2019

RTS28 Reporting 2020

RTS28 Reporting 2021

RTS28 Reporting 2022

RTS28 Reporting 2023


Eligible deposits with Macquarie Bank Limited (London Branch) are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the UK’s deposit protection scheme. This limit is applied to the total of any deposits you have with Macquarie Bank Limited (London Branch). Any total deposits you hold above the £85,000 limit between these entities are not covered. For further information and eligibility criteria please visit www.fscs.org.uk.

Data Protection

You expressly acknowledge that we will minute face to face meetings and will use voice recording procedures for the purposes of monitoring, training, checking instructions, verifying your identity and ensuring that we are meeting our service standards and requirements under Applicable Regulations. You further acknowledge that such collection and subsequent processing is required to meet our legal obligations and is a legitimate purpose. These recordings and minutes may be used as evidence if there is a dispute. Telephone recordings may be recorded with or without the use of an automatic warning device. Our voice records shall be and remain our sole property and will be conclusive evidence of the orders, instructions or conversations so recorded. A copy of the recording will be available for a period of five years and, where requested by the FCA or other relevant regulatory authority, for a period of up to seven years. You also acknowledge and agree that we may charge you a commercially reasonable cost for providing such records.