Environmental, Social and Governance

    Sustainability in our own business operations

    The environmental and social impacts of Macquarie’s own business operations predominantly relate to the energy and resources we consume in our offices and data centres, business travel, and our procurement activities. We seek to manage these impacts by monitoring and reducing our operational emissions, developing innovative and sustainable workplaces, being efficient with energy and resource use, and improving the sustainability and diversity of our supply chain.

    Macquarie’s 2025 Sustainability Plan articulates our corporate sustainability commitments with specific and measurable targets across environmental and social pillars.

    Macquarie reports on its progress against these commitments within the ESG section of the Macquarie Group Annual Report and the Net Zero and Climate Risk Reportincluding providing detail on the ratings of the major offices our employees occupy.

    To meet the requirements of the California voluntary carbon market disclosure we provide information on the voluntary carbon offsets purchased by Macquarie to offset Scope 1 emissions from office premises and Scope 3 emissions attributable to business travel.

    2025 Sustainability Plan

    Our 2025 Sustainability Plan focuses on five key pillars, aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)1 with clear targets and initiatives under each pillar. The Plan reflects our ongoing commitment to have a positive social and environmental impact across our own business operations. 

    Supply chain


    direct suppliers

    63/37 spend split

    between ANZ region and the rest of the world

    Top 5 supplier categories

    Property and Facilities Management, Professional Services, IT, HR, Market Data

    Macquarie is committed to ensuring high standards of environmental, social and governance performance throughout our supply chain. These standards are outlined in our Principles for Suppliers, which describe Macquarie’s expectations of our suppliers regarding human rights, environment, health and safety, and business ethics. They help Macquarie uphold its core values with the aim of creating supplier relationships that deliver long term, sustainable value for our clients, shareholders and communities. Further, Macquarie’s approach towards identifying and mitigating the risk of modern slavery within our business operations and direct supply chain is set out in our Human Rights at Macquarie page.

    In addition, we strive to engage more diverse and sustainable suppliers by improving our internal processes and strengthening our partnerships.

    For more information, please refer to our page on supplier diversity or the supplier portal.

    1. UN SDGs are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030.