
Investing at intersection of mobility and technology

14 December 2020

Technology will have a profound impact on the energy and transportation industries as we move into the next decade. Listen to Stephan Feilhauer, Managing Director at Macquarie Capital, discuss some of these trends with The Wall Street Lab podcast.

Stephan shares insights on his experience in growth equity investing, explores opportunities for continued growth in the field and provides insight into the transformational impact of technology on the infrastructure and energy sectors.

“We are starting to see these fundamental changes to how the built environment around us works, and there are fantastic opportunities from an investment perspective to back interesting tech, infrastructure and energy companies.”

Stephan Feilhauer
Managing Director, Macquarie Capital

The Wall Street Lab explores the world of finance from an insider perspective.

*This episode of The Wall Street Lab was recorded on November 2, 2020. All predictions and or comments were made at the time of recording.