In this stage of the process you’ll be asked to complete a psychometric assessment, which is a standard and scientific method used to measure individuals' cognitive ability and behavioural style.
The information generated from this assessment, in combination with the other information gathered during the selection process, will be used to assist us in ensuring we have a comprehensive view of the match between you and the position you have applied for. There is no minimum score required to progress to the next stage. What we look for in your results are the specific skills and attributes required for the role you have applied for.
You will be asked to complete the assessment from home, which typically takes about an hour. If you’re successful, you may be asked to complete a verification assessment at a later date.
Your recruiter will send you further information about the psychometric assessment and a link to do some practice assessments which will help you familiarise yourself with the nature of the assessment. Please note that the practice assessment sent by your recruiter is the only authentic practice assessment for Macquarie.
Please refer to our psychometric assessment video.