Access forms for investors, advisers and third parties

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How do I…? Form
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Invest in a new fund Complete our target market questionnaire, view the product disclosure statement and submit an application form here.

If you are an existing investor, please refer to the required sections outlined in Section 1 of the form.
Add to my existing investment You can top up your existing investment by:
Request a partial or full redemption from my investment Redemption form
Upgrade my access to transact on the Macquarie Managed Funds online portal
Investor portal elevated access form
Update my details Change of details form
Transfer units in a fund to another person Transfer form
Appoint a company or individual(s), including financial advisers, to act on my behalf in relation to my Macquarie Asset Management Public Investments account(s).
Appointment of authorised signatories form
Switch some or all of my units from my investment in a fund to a corresponding hedged or unhedged version of the fund Switch request form
Change trustee for a self managed super fund Change of trustee - transfer form
Complete the FATCA/CRS requirement as part of my application FATCA/CRS self-certification form
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How do I…? Form
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  • Create adviser profile if I am new to Macquarie Asset Management
  • Transfer clients to a new dealer group or within the same dealer group
  • Update dealer group or my contact details
Dealer group and/or adviser transfer and change of contact details form
Register for the Macquarie Managed Funds online portal Online registration form for advisers