Press Release

Investa Office Fund

Sydney, 10 August 2018

In order for Macquarie Group to extend trading restrictions to the listed securities of Investa Office Fund (IOF), as required under relevant standstill agreements, Macquarie Capital confirms that Macquarie Real Estate Investment Holding (Australia) Pty Limited (Macquarie Capital SPV, a wholly owned subsidiary of Macquarie Group Limited) and ICPF Holdco Pty Limited (ICPFH) are in discussions regarding a possible funds and property management joint venture under which the Macquarie Capital SPV would directly acquire 50% of the shares held by ICPFH in Investa Office Management Holdings Pty Ltd, being the holding company of the manager and responsible entity of IOF.  The parties have entered into a mutual standstill and exclusivity agreement for the purposes of negotiating and finalising the joint venture.  Macquarie Group is required to lodge an initial substantial holder notice in respect of IOF as a consequence of entering into the mutual standstill and exclusivity agreement which it will lodge with ASX and IOF in due course.  Any transaction entered into as a result of these arrangements would not be material to Macquarie Group.



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