

Macquarie Access Multi‑Asset Portfolios

Low cost solution

Delivering investors low investment cost portfolios

Broad diversification

Across domestic and global markets and asset classes

Expert asset allocation

Optimised asset allocation tailored to four risk profiles

The Macquarie Access Multi-Asset Portfolios are designed for fee-conscious investors, seeking broad diversified exposure to a range of asset classes and markets including growth and defensive assets. These high quality, low-cost portfolios are constructed using Macquarie’s innovative True Index Funds, an institutional quality form of passive investing which aims to provide benchmark returns for no management fee. The Portfolios are managed using a time-tested investment process focused on achieving target returns and limiting risk by adapting asset allocation to the prevailing market environment.

Macquarie Access Multi-Asset Portfolios

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Portfolio facts  
Investment objective There are four risk-profiles for Macquarie Access Multi-Asset Portfolios

Macquarie Access Conservative Multi-Asset portfolio aims to provide positive returns of 1.5% per annum above Australian inflation^ over the medium to long term (before fees).

Macquarie Access Balanced Multi-Asset portfolio aims to provide positive returns of 3.0% per annum above Australian inflation^ over the medium to long term (before fees).

Macquarie Access Growth Multi-Asset portfolio aims to provide positive returns of 4.5% per annum above Australian inflation^ over the medium to long term (before fees).

Macquarie Access High Growth Multi-Asset portfolio aims to provide positive returns of 5.0% per annum above Australian inflation^ over the medium to long term (before fees).
Benchmark Benchmark unaware
Portfolio managers Gary Ding, Kathryn Greguric
Inception date 25 November 2019: Conservative, Balanced and Growth profiles
30 September 2020: High Growth profile
Management fee Refer to relevant PDS
Minimum investment Refer to relevant PDS

^ Australian inflation is defined as the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as measured by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Trimmed Mean, as published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Researcher ratings

'Superior (4.25), High Investment Grade'

These reports are available to licensed financial advisers on request. Please contact your local Business Development Manager.


All investments carry risk. Different investments carry different levels of risk, depending on the investment strategy and the underlying assets. Generally, the higher the potential return of an investment, the greater the risk. The risks of investing in the Macquarie Access Multi-Asset Portfolios include:

Investment Risk: The Portfolios seek to generate higher returns than traditional cash investments. The risk of an investment in the Portfolios is higher than an investment in a typical bank account or term deposit. Amounts distributed to investors may fluctuate, as may the portfolios’ values. The portfolio values may vary by material amounts, even over short periods of time, including during the period between a redemption or application request being made and the time the redemption unit price or application unit price for the underlying Funds are calculated.

Index risk: The underlying Funds aim to provide investors with a return matching the Index return. Under True Indexing, the Index return provided by the underlying Funds is independent of the Investment Manager’s performance. The performance of the Index and therefore the underlying Funds is subject to many risks, including general market risk, as well as specific risk arising from the individual securities that make up the Index.

Income securities risk: The Portfolios may have exposure to a range of income securities, including high yield, emerging markets, and structured securities. The value of these securities may fall, for example due to market volatility, interest rate movements, perceptions of credit quality, supply and demand pressures, market sentiment or issuer default. These risks may be greater for securities offering higher returns, for example high yield or emerging market securities. These risks will be greater for Portfolios with a higher exposure to fixed income securities.

Market risk: The investments that the Portfolios have exposure to are likely to have a broad correlation with share markets in general. Share markets can be volatile and have the potential to fall by large amounts over short periods of time. Poor performance or losses in domestic and/or global share markets are likely to negatively impact the overall performance of the Portfolios. These risks will be greater for Portfolios with a higher exposure to equities.

Manager risk: There is no guarantee that the Portfolio will achieve its performance objectives, produce returns that are positive, or compare favourably against its peers. In addition, the investment strategies and internal trading guidelines may vary over time, and there is no guarantee that such changes would produce favourable outcomes.

Implementation risk: The performance of a managed account will differ to that of the Portfolio (and may differ significantly) due to factors including an incomplete implementation of all trades, the timing of trades, the individual circumstances of an investor as well as the fees, expenses and other costs charged by the operator of the managed account.

More information on the risks of investing in SMAs is contained in the relevant Product Disclosure Statement for the SMA, which should be considered before deciding to invest in the Macquarie Access Multi-Asset Portfolios.

Contact Macquarie Wrap

For account opening related enquiries and the Macquarie Separately Managed Account PDS, please contact the Macquarie Wrap investment platform team

For further information on how the portfolios are managed 


Macquarie Asset Management
Client Service


PO Box R1723
Royal Exchange,
NSW 1225, Australia

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Local: +61 2 8245 4900
Monday – Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm (Sydney time)

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1 The rating contained in this document is issued by SQM Research Pty Ltd ABN 93 122 592 036 AFSL 421913. SQM Research is an investment research firm that undertakes research on investment products exclusively for its wholesale clients, utilising a proprietary review and star rating system. The SQM Research star rating system is of a general nature and does not take into account the particular circumstances or needs of any specific person. The rating may be subject to change at any time. Only licensed financial advisers may use the SQM Research star rating system in determining whether an investment is appropriate to a person’s particular circumstances or needs. You should read the product disclosure statement and consult a licensed financial adviser before making an investment decision in relation to this investment product. SQM Research receives a fee from the Fund Manager for the research and rating of the managed investment scheme.

This information has been prepared by Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (ABN 90 086 159 060 AFSL 237843) (MIMGL). MIMGL is part of the Macquarie Group of companies.  This is general information only and does not take account of the investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any person. It should not be relied upon in determining whether to invest in a managed account. In deciding whether to acquire or continue to hold an investment in a managed account, an investor should consider the disclosure document issued by the managed account provider and obtain financial, legal and taxation advice before making any financial investment decision. This information does not constitute an offer to invest in a particular product. This information is intended for recipients in Australia only.