Continuous disclosure

Changes in methods of communication under the Corporations Act (view here)

This notice provides information on what the changes in methods of communication, under the Corporations Act, means to you as unitholders in the registered schemes, where Macquarie Investment Management Australia Limited is the responsible entity.

Copies of continuous disclosure notices can be accessed below

For other ASX announcements pertaining to ETFs, please refer to the relevant Fund page which you can access at

Information on current unit prices and spreads can be accessed here.
Change in auditor notification can be accessed here.

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Date of notice Summary of event Further information

3 October 2024

The Macquarie Managed Income Fund, will be terminated effective Thursday, 3 October 2024 (Termination Date) and we are no longer accepting any requests for applications or redemptions from the Fund. Application monies received which have not been processed by the Termination Date will be returned to investors. Redemption requests received after 1.00pm (Sydney time) on Wednesday 2 October 2024 will not be processed. Please refer to the notice for further information on the termination.

See notice

15 July 2024

With effect from 15 July 2024, the buy/sell spread for the Macquarie Wholesale Australian Fixed Interest Fund – Class B, O and E Units is updated as noted in the notice.

See notice

15 July 2024

With effect from 8 July 2024, the buy/sell spread for each Fund, listed below, are updated as noted in the relevant Fund’s notice.

  • Macquarie Australian Fixed Interest Fund
  • Macquarie Australian Small Companies Fund
  • Macquarie Australian Small Companies No. 1 Fund – Class W Units
  • Macquarie International Infrastructure Securities Fund (Hedged)
  • Macquarie International Infrastructure Securities Fund (Unhedged)
  • Macquarie Master Balanced Fund
  • Macquarie True Index Emerging Markets Fund

See notices

8 July 2024

With effect from 22 July 2024, BPAY payments will no longer be offered as an option to add to your investment in the Macquarie Dynamic Bond No.1 Fund – Class W Units.

Please note that you can continue to add to your investment by Electronic Funds Transfer/bank transfer or Real Time Gross Settlement. Please ensure you include your Macquarie issued account number and your account name in the payment reference to enable us to link the payment to your additional investment notification.

See notice

8 July 2024

The cap of 0.020% per annum of the net asset value of the Macquarie Master Balanced Fund relating to the reimbursement of administrative expenses will no longer apply effective 7 August 2024.

The constitution of the Fund allows properly incurred administrative expenses to be recovered directly from the Fund. Fund expenses may include custody fees, registry costs, audit, accounting and tax fees, postage, and printing costs.

See notice

8 July 2024

The approach to the reimbursement of administrative expenses from the assets of the Macquarie Master Capital Stable Fund will be changed effective 7 August 2024.

The administrative expenses reimbursement cap of 0.020% per annum of the net asset value of the Fund will no longer apply.

We will not seek to recover administrative expenses from the assets of the Fund. Abnormal expenses may continue to be recovered from the Fund.

Expenses charged by underlying funds will still be indirectly borne by the Fund through the value of the Fund’s holding in the underlying fund. As underlying fund expenses are included in the indirect costs for the Fund, it is likely that the indirect costs will be higher once the cap is removed.

See notice

1 July 2024

The Macquarie Professional Series Global Equity Fund currently provides exposure to a diversified portfolio of global equities through investments in funds forming part of the Macquarie Professional Series.

From on or around Monday 22 July 2024, the Fund may also invest in broad-based global equity exchange traded funds, operated or managed by either a member of the Macquarie Group or an external entity, to gain exposure to a broader set of global equity markets.

See notice

1 July 2024

With effect from 1 July 2024, the management fee that is payable on your investment in the P/E Global FX Alpha No. 1 Fund (Class W Units) is reduced to 0.98% pa of the net asset value of the Fund.

See notice

2 April 2024


The standard risk measure (SRM) for each Fund listed below, disclosed in Section 5 of the Product Disclosure Statement, is updated effective from 2 April 2024 as noted in the table below. The SRM, our estimate of the number of negative annual return periods that the Fund may experience over a 20-year period, is based on industry guidance and can require adjustments from time to time. It is important to note that there have been no changes in the investment objective or investment strategy of the Fund.

Please refer to the relevant Fund’s notice for more information.

See notice


Fund name Level change
Macquarie Australian Diversified Income Fund ‘Very low’ to ‘Low to medium’
Macquarie Australian Listed Real Estate Fund – Class A Units ‘High’ to ‘Very high’
Macquarie Australian Listed Real Estate Fund – Class B Units ‘High’ to ‘Very high’
Macquarie Australian Listed Real Estate Fund – Class E Units ‘High’ to ‘Very high’
Macquarie Australian Listed Real Estate Fund – Class O Units ‘High’ to ‘Very high’
Macquarie Hedged Index Global Bond Fund ‘Low’ to ‘Low to medium’
Macquarie Master Enhanced Fixed Interest Fund ‘Low to medium’ to ‘Medium’
Macquarie Master Property Securities Fund ‘High’ to ‘Very high’
Macquarie True Index Australian Fixed Interest Fund ‘Low to medium’ to ‘Medium’
Macquarie True Index Global Bond Fund ‘Low’ to ‘Low to medium’
Macquarie True Index Listed Property Fund ‘High’ to ‘Very high’
Macquarie Wholesale Property Securities Fund ‘High’ to ‘Very high’
Walter Scott Emerging Markets Fund ‘High’ to ‘Very high’
Walter Scott Emerging Markets No. 2 Fund – Class I Units ‘High’ to ‘Very high’

15 March 2024


The investment manager of the Mirova Global Sustainable Equity Fund, Mirova US LLC, will be making enhancements to the sustainability research methodology of the Mirova Global Sustainable Equity Fund, effective 15 March 2024. This will also impact the Mirova Global Sustainable Equity No. 2 Fund – Class I Units. Please refer to the relevant Fund’s notice for more information.


See notices for:

4 March 2024

The ASX recently announced that it has decided to wind down and close the ASX Managed Fund Settlement Service (mFund) over an extended timeframe with full closure expected by 31 May 2026.
Applications and redemptions for the Funds, listed below, will continue to be available until further notice.
As at the date of this notice, there is no immediate action required from you. We are working with the ASX to ensure an orderly transition and wind-down of the service and will continue to provide further updates on timing and next steps.

  • Arrowstreet Global Equity Fund
  • IFP Global Franchise Fund
  • IFP Global Franchise Fund (Hedged)
  • IFP Global Franchise Fund II
  • Macquarie Australian Fixed Interest Fund
  • Macquarie Corporate Bond Fund – Class R Units
  • Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund
  • Macquarie Global Listed Real Estate Fund – Class R Units
  • Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund
  • Macquarie Real Return Opportunities Fund
  • Walter Scott Global Equity Fund
  • Walter Scott Global Equity Fund (Hedged)
  • Winton Global Alpha Fund

See notice

19 January 2024

With effect from 19 February 2024, enhancements will be made to the investment guidelines of the Arrowstreet Global Equity Fund, which will impact the funds listed below (together called ‘Funds’ or individually ‘Fund’). The Arrowstreet Global Equity Fund:
— will have the ability to take limited active currency positions where it is believed that there are opportunities to add value through foreign exchange movements, and
— may also have exposure to frontier and micro capitalisation companies.

Please refer to the relevant Fund’s notice for more information.

  • Arrowstreet Global Equity Fund (Hedged)
  • Arrowstreet Global Equity No. 1 Fund
  • Arrowstreet Global Equity No. 2 Fund – Class E Units
  • Arrowstreet Global Equity No. 2 Fund – Class I Units
  • Arrowstreet Global Equity No. 2 Fund – Class P Units
  • Arrowstreet Global Equity No. 2 Fund (Hedged) – Class I Units
  • Arrowstreet Global Equity No. 2 Fund (Hedged) – Class Z Units

See notices for:

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Date of notice Summary of event Further information

22 November 2023


We refer to the letter dated 17 October 2023, for each Fund listed below, notifying you that the proposal to amend each Fund’s constitution was approved. We are pleased to inform you that we have launched a quoted class of units in each Fund (Quoted Class), which have been admitted to trading on the AQUA market of the ASX, as an active exchange traded fund.

The Quoted Class will begin trading on 22 November 2023. For more details, please refer to the relevant Fund’s notice.

  • Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund ARSN 101 815 141
  • Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund ARSN 102 261 834
  • Walter Scott Global Equity Fund ARSN 112 828 136

See notices for:

21 November 2023


The Macquarie Global Infrastructure Securities Fund (Hedged) and Macquarie Global Infrastructure Securities Fund (Unhedged), have been terminated effective Tuesday, 21 November 2023 (Termination Date). From the Termination Date, we will no longer be accepting any requests for applications into, or redemptions from, the Funds. Please refer to the notices for further information on the termination.

See notices for:

17 October 2023


For each Fund listed below, we refer to the letter dated 22 August 2023 regarding the proposal to amend the Fund’s constitution (Constitution), as set out in the Explanatory Notes that accompanied the letter and as set out in full in the consolidated version of the Constitution (Proposed Amendments), which is available in the row dated 22 August 2023 below. The Proposed Amendments were required to be approved at a meeting of unitholders in the Fund (Resolution), which took place at the time noted below on Thursday, 5 October 2023.

  • Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund ARSN 101 815 141 – 12.00pm (Sydney time)
  • Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund ARSN 102 261 834 – 11.00am (Sydney time)
  • Walter Scott Global Equity Fund ARSN 112 828 136 – 10.00am (Sydney time)

We can confirm that, for each Fund, the Resolution was approved by the required majority of unitholders in the Fund at that meeting.

See notices for:

29 September 2023


Further disclosure in Macquarie Asset Management Public Investments Information Booklets on the extent to which investment teams consider labour standards and environmental, social and ethical consideration. Applicable to the following funds:

  • Macquarie Master Property Securities Fund
  • Macquarie Wholesale Property Securities Fund

See notices for:

14 September 2023


The Polaris Global Equity No. 1 Fund, has been terminated effective Thursday 14 September 2023 (Termination Date). We will no longer be accepting applications into or redemption requests for the Fund from the Termination Date. Please refer to the notice for what this termination means for investors in the Fund.


See notice


1 September 2023


Previously, the Macquarie Global Listed Real Estate Fund – Class O Units was only open for existing investors to add to their investment. From 1 September 2023, the Fund is open to new investors and the minimum balance amount is increased. Note, we will waive the increased minimum balance amount in relation to balances of less than $10,000,000 held by existing investors in the Fund. In addition, the management fee payable in the Fund is reduced. Please refer to notice for the new minimum initial investment and balance amounts, and the reduced management fee.


See notice


22 August 2023


We are proposing to make amendments to the constitution for each fund listed below and will be holding unitholders’ meetings for each Fund to approve the proposed amendments.

  • Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund ARSN 101 815 141
  • Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund ARSN 102 261 834
  • Walter Scott Global Equity Fund ARSN 112 828 136

The amendments that are we are proposing to make to the constitutions include inserting:

  • provisions that will permit us to issue new classes of units in the Funds
  • standard class mechanics, such as provisions that allow us to allocate Fund assets and liabilities between unit classes, and
  • provisions to facilitate the establishment, offer and operation of a class of units in each Fund that is quoted on a securities exchange, such as the Australian Securities Exchange, as an exchange traded managed fund or exchange traded fund.


Please refer to the table below for more information, including a copy of the notice of meeting, explanatory memorandum and information on the date, time and location of the meetings.


Fund Time, date and
place of Meeting
Letter, explanatory notes and notice of meeting Consolidated version of Constitution Updates, supplements
and/or changes
Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund ARSN 101 815 141 12.00pm (Sydney time)
Thursday, 5 October 2023 at Level 11, 50 Martin Place, Sydney
Download Download Update

Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund ARSN 102 261 834 11.00am (Sydney time)
Thursday, 5 October 2023 at Level 11, 50 Martin Place, Sydney
Download Download Update

Walter Scott Global Equity Fund ARSN 112 828 136 10.00am (Sydney time)
Thursday, 5 October 2023 at Level 11, 50 Martin Place, Sydney
Download Download Update


21 August 2023


With effect from 21 August 2023, the buy/sell spreads for each Fund, noted below, are updated as noted in the relevant Fund’s notice.

  • Macquarie Australian Equities Fund
  • Macquarie Australian Shares Fund
  • Macquarie Global Infrastructure Securities Fund (Unhedged) – Class A, H and R Units
  • Macquarie Global Infrastructure Securities Fund (Hedged) – Class A, E, H and O Units

See notices for:

10 July 2023


With effect from 10 July 2023, the buy/sell spreads for each Fund, noted below, are updated as noted in the relevant Fund’s notice.

  • Macquarie Corporate Bond Fund – Class A, E, G, H, O and R Units
  • Macquarie Wholesale Australian Fixed Interest – Class B, E and O Units


See notices for:

3 July 2023

With effect from 3 July 2023, the buy/sell spreads for each Fund, noted below, are updated as noted in the relevant Fund’s notice.


  • Macquarie International Infrastructure Securities Fund (Hedged)
  • Macquarie International Infrastructure Securities Fund (Unhedged)


See notices for:

6 June 2023

Following a review of the current neutral asset allocation exposure of the Funds, listed below, in light of the prevailing market environment and the outlook going forward, the investment manager will implement changes to the neutral asset allocation which includes specifying a global listed property asset allocation within global shares.

With effect from 1 July 2023, each Fund’s neutral strategic asset allocation weights will be updated as noted in the relevant notice attached. There are no changes to the strategic asset allocation ranges nor any other changes to the way the strategy of each Fund is managed.

  • Macquarie Master Balanced Fund ARSN 090 077 697
  • Macquarie Master Capital Stable Fund ARSN 090 078 79

See notices for:

24 May 2023


The Macquarie Professional Series Global Alternatives Fund ARSN 617 266 217, will be terminated effective Monday 26 June 2023. We will no longer be accepting applications into the Fund from 24 May 2023. Please refer to the notice for what this termination means for investors in the Fund.


See notice


16 May 2023


The risk level rating for the Macquarie Real Return Opportunities Fund ARSN 090 715 236, disclosed in Section 5 of the Product Disclosure Statement, is updated from ‘Low to medium’ to ‘Medium’ effective from 16 May 2023. The risk level rating assessment is our assessment of the potential for loss and unit price variability based on industry guidance and can require adjustment from time to time. While there has been no change to the investment objective or investment strategy of the Fund, the Standard Risk Measure for the Fund has been updated as a result of a change to the methodology applied by Macquarie to measure the risk level of the Fund and to reflect the recent volatility experienced in fixed income and equity markets.


See notice


16 May 2023


The risk level rating for each Fund listed below, disclosed in Section 5 of the Product Disclosure Statement, is updated effective from 16 May 2023 as noted in the table below. The risk level rating assessment is our assessment of the potential for loss and unit price variability based on industry guidance and can require adjustment from time to time.


See notices for:

Fund name Level change
Macquarie Corporate Bond Fund ARSN 087 391 311 'Low' to 'Low to medium'
Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund ARSN 102 261 834 'Low' to 'Low to medium


While there has been no change to the investment objective or investment strategy of either Fund, the Standard Risk Measure for each Fund has been updated as a result of a change to the methodology applied by Macquarie to measure the risk level of the Fund.

20 March 2023


Enhancements to disclosure in Information Booklet listed below on extent to which investment teams consider labour standards and environmental, social and ethical consideration. Applicable to Funds listed in the following Information Booklets:

  • Macquarie Asset Management Public Investments Information Booklet dated 20 March 2023
  • Macquarie Asset Management Public Investments – Class E Units Information Booklet dated 20 March 2023
  • Macquarie Asset Management Public Investments Information Booklet for Class I, Class P, Class W and Class Z Units dated 20 March 2023, and
  • Macquarie Asset Management Public Investments Information Booklet for Class A, Class B, Class E, Class G, Class H, Class M, Class O and Class R Units dated 20 March 2023.


See notice